Facebook Fall-Out

The Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandal has thrown up a surprising number of people with an apparent expertise in data analytics and a detailed knowledge on how one goes about scraping personal information from a very large social media site.

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Facebook, ‘The Guardian’ and Cambridge Analytica

There’s very little doubt that the story of the week (year, decade even) concerns Facebook, the use made of data from their platform by Cambridge Analytica and the consequences of the resulting micro-targeting as used in an election, maybe even one near you.

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Following Procter and Unilever

Over the last few weeks we’ve heard the views of two of the largest advertisers on the planet on the current state of the media and advertising businesses.

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Trade Bodies Rule

What the heck has happened to the industry’s trade bodies? And can we all have a sip of whatever it is they’ve been drinking?

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P&G, Integration and Siloes

To read the headlines you would think we live in a curiously binary world. Facebook’s wonderful; Facebook’s on its last legs. TV is dead; TV is still the most effective medium ever invented; printed media forms cannot survive; print circulations increase as readers seek the truth behind the stories.

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